Shutting Down for the year!

I will now be the  only one able to post new things on the blog, since it is shutting down. School will be done this Thursday, June 23rd. It will be a half day. Anyway, post what you think of on our blog, and be sure to vote on the polls, bye!

Multiplication Games!

Want to learn your multiplication while running an ice cream shop? Or win a fun race? Or.... Well, many possibilities!

Multiplication Games link:
Click Here!

Fun Kids Online Math Games link:
Click Here!

Educational Games link:
Click here!

Mr.Crawford's Gold Find

 Look up, look down, and all around! Mr.Crawford's gold find has everyone looking! Katie and Josie came up with the idea of a gold find. They hid five pots of gold, and six clues all around the room. So I have three last words for all people...... GO FIND GOLD!

Happy birthday!

Say happy birthday to everyone who's had one so far!

Happy birthday to:



Poems by the class


Orange roca's,
Yellow tapioca's,
We love our candy,
It's so handy-dandy!


We've got scissors,
We've got glue,
Let me stick everything onto you!


Little, little cry babies,
Filled, filled with tons of maybies,
Wah, wah, wah lets us cry,
Or we might die!


When we're up,
We're up,
When we're down,
We're down,
But when we touch the ground,
We get a touch down!


Cat in the hat,
He got rather fat,
He bursted his bottons,
There's almost nottin',
Worse then a burst botton!

Keeping my promise

I'm keeping my promise by telling you about the January Calender. It goes by an hour and 10 minutes every day. (Used to)Now it goes by 1 hour and 20 minutes. Some people are saying the rims are different, some say they aren't.

Blaine: No. There is no difference.
Chloe: No. It's the light that makes it look different.
Josie: Yes! They have different shades.
Jewel: Yes.
Katie: Yes. There is a difference.
Sheyenne: Yes.

So yes wins! 4 out of 6 people voted yes!

New year, new design!

    This new year I'm thinking of making a new design! But for now, I can't figure out how, I think somethings wrong with the computer.

New January calender

      Our class now has a new calender. We have a new one every month. It sometimes is a pattern. Now, there is a clock on each card and a time, and different backgrounds!

Here's what people and the class think whats the pattern (Or something else) is:


    All clocks...... With different times....... Mysterious.......


    The clock is gonna go by 1 hour and 10 minutes each time.


    The rims have a pattern. Light orange and dark orange.

So that's all we know. A mysterious mystery!


    It's another holiday time! Tree's are up, and  its snowing in the mountains! Perfect for skiing and snowboarding. I bet everyone is having fun today. Having fun is what it is mainly about! Over all, Falice Navi Da! (I want to wish you a merry Christmas)

2 Recent Activities

We are having a lot of activities lately. Here are some, and what they are.

Food Box,
      The food box is a box in the room we put for people in our class to put non-perishable foods. We give the box to people in need. Each time we fill it we get a new box. Now we already have a full box! Please bring in some more food if you are (or child is) in. But don't forget, it can't be perishable!

3 Quarters or 10 dollars?
    During number corner each day we choose, would it be more money for 3 quarters a day till the 17th or 1 big $10? Well, now we have 5.25 (Started on the first.) I will inform you when we figure it out! Just remember you can comment your answer by clicking a number by the word Comment.

See you next time!

Too much fun!

    There is too much fun going on! There will be a daddy daughter dance and there's decorations everywhere! But when you walk in, be careful there's glass everywhere! Jewel wrote a wonderful short-story about a dog and a cat who get adopted. It's called The Cat Story. Today we looked up on wiki answers (Place to answer questions: wiki that sharks live in the Pacific Ocean. We are also learning about the Native Americans, they live in our state and some other places in America. The Native Americans were the first one here, in America. We are learning about nouns, proper nouns, and common nouns. Here is how to tell if its a proper noun, common noun or just any noun.

   A noun is a person, place or thing. A common noun is no specific noun. A proper noun is a specific noun, and it always has to start with a capital.

TTFN! (Ta-ta for now!)


 It's snowing! The first snow fall this year, a lot of you guys are probably making snow men. School is out so I am! It's been a lot of fun making a gigantic snow man. Josie has a picture of the snowman she made on the blog. If you do not know how to make a edible snow man, this is how:

You'll need:

7 raisins
1inch piece of licorice red or black
1 piece Hersheys chocolate bar
3 marshmallow's
1small licorice piece

1. Microwave marsh mellows for 30 sec
2. Stack marsh mellows
3. Insert raisins as eyes, mouth and buttons.
4. Cut chocolate in half. Put chocolate on sides for arms.
5. Stick inch licorice in-between mouth and eyes for nose.
6. Wrap other licorice around him or her as scarf.

Done! Now you can eat!

Happy Holidays!

I would like to wish you all a happy holidays! It's almost thanks giving! Here were giving goodies grams. Their to give to you're friends for Thanks Giving. It's a card with candy attached. We also are reading a lot of books and passing AR tests. Accelerated Reader. You'll know more if you read Jacobs profile. We got 105 AR books. Once we get 100 we have a ice-cream party. We had it happen yesterday. Anyway you deserve a holiday poem:

Happy holidays

Happy holidays,
With millions of hurrays,
Everybody is wearing a smile,
I cannot be sad not even for a while,
It's now time for a feast,
I will stay up till 10:00 at least,
I give thanks to everyone,
Now time to sleep our holiday is done,
Another holiday come and gone,
Nothing will or has ever gone wrong.
Or will it?

I hope you enjoyed this! Bye!


Our class has been working on math lately. We do egg carton fractions, that's were we use egg cartons as fractions. We learn about denominator and numerators. Numerators are the top of the fractions, denominator is on the bottom. An easy way to remember is to think: For girls: Denim is the type of cloth used for jeans, jeans is on the lower half of you. Denominator sounds a little like Denim. For boys: Lions den, on the ground. DENominator. Denominator has den in it. So that's another way to remember. Numerators is the opposite of denominator, its on the top. So you know. Did you know the bottom fractions is the same always when adding or subtracting fractions? We are also doing equivalent fractions. 1/2 is the same as 2/4 or 3/6 or 6/12? There are so many more! I bet you could find 10 more ways. Why don't you try?

Nice to meet you!

  Welcome to the class blog, here there's polls and other fun stuff.We have some pages were students share thoughts and write about their life. It will have links to educational websites like BBC and language learning websites too!! We hope you enjoy the blog. BYE!!